Planning Applications
Planning Applications are discussed at Parish Council Meetings on the first Wednesday of every month. Meetings are held in the Audit Hall from 7pm.
Empingham Parish Council
For residents, you must be aware of the Conservation Area as this imposes further restrictions should your property be located within it. There are also a large number of trees with TPOs (Tree Preservation Orders) and you should check with Rutland County Council before you carry out any work on a tree within the parish.
Rutland Local Plan
Local Plan Review
Rutland County Council are reviewing the Local Plan in order to extend the plan period to 2036 and to provide for any additional new housing, employment or other development that may be needed over the extended plan period.
Consultation Draft Plan
We are consulting on the Draft Local Plan Review until 25th September 2017. Comments may be sent to the Council by using the on-line response form or by downloading the response form and sending this to the Council.
Copies of the Draft Plan may be viewed in all Rutland Libraries and at the Council Offices in Oakham.
We will be running a community roadshow at the following locations and times where Planning Officers will be available to discuss your views and help you to submit your comments:
- Little Casterton Church: 3rd August 2017 (12pm - 3pm)
- Ketton Library: 9th August 2017 (2pm - 5.30pm)
- Ryhall Library: 17th August 2017 (2pm - 6pm)
- Uppingham Library: 22nd August 2017 (3pm - 6pm)
- Victoria Hall, Oakham: 2nd September (10am-1pm)
- Whissendine Village Hall: 12th September 2017 (4pm-7pm)
- Greetham Community Centre: 14th September 2017 (4pm-7pm)
- Cottesmore Village Hall: 19th September 2017 (4pm-6.45pm)
Details of the evidence base supporting the preparation of the Local Plan Review can be viewed on our Local Plan Evidence Base webpage.
For more information please email or telephone 01572 722577 and ask for the Planning Policy section.